Our goal throughout these baby massage classes is to teach you techniques, so you can then introduce your little one to the experience of massage and a new world of relaxation and communication!
These moves can also have benefits for common baby difficulties such as:
Cradle cap
Sticky eye
Glue ear
Not only can massage help difficulties but it can also give a 'Wham bam thank you mam' boost to:
the nervous system, stimulating the rapidly growing brain
Oxytocin release (feel good hormone) for both giver and baby
co-ordination and mind/body awareness
speech/language development
sound sleep
One of our main aims for Baby Steps Massage is to create a safe environment, that will enable you to learn and enjoy time out with your baby whilst gaining tools that you can use to enhance your family time.
The routine and techniques you will learn, help to trigger a relaxation response in the soft tissues of the body which improves your babies comfort and ultimately helps achieve balance on many fronts.
We also realise the importance of sharing the experiences and challenges of bringing up a little one, our time out towards the end of each session can provide support as well as potentially picking up hints and tips from people going through similar head scratching transitions and phases.
The course has been developed using traditions from Swedish, Indian and African cultures as well as drawing on influences from reflexology and yoga, last but not least our favourite calming combo was created using a technique from Australia.
Both teaching therapists have extensive experience within various fields of massage and realising the benefits of using techniques from different traditions and cultures collectively, has resulted in the creation of a comprehensive and effective routine for both you and your baby right here in Edinburgh!